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Order in Chaos- قصيدة بالانكليزية// عبد يونس لافي

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عبد يونس لافي


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 Order in Chaos- قصيدة بالانكليزية

  عبد يونس لافي


Order in Chaos

Abd Y. Lafi



Everywhere is the order.

How wonderful it is!

It is there, everywhere.

In the lamina,

in the wave flow coming

from a pure spirit, and

eddies evolving when

the flow becomes violent.


In the grass

when the rain hugs the ground,

kisses the ground, makes it move.

I like the order,

even the order in chaos.


Fabulous is the universe,

enlightening us,

beautifully repeating itself,

telling us no randomness,

no randomness,

as our limited minds

tell us,

as our limited tools

fool us.



Published in Calapooya, Volume 19, Oregon, USA, 1997.

Translated to Chinese by Professor Xiao Zejun and published in http://blog.sina.com.cn/xiaozejun in 2006-03-07.